Pilot Rock Catalog

117 c ontac t@bj s par k . com · F A X : 281-356-1802 CAMPFIRE RINGS ADA Guidelines for Campfire Rings The Final Guidelines for Federal Outdoor Recreation Sites include reach and operability specifications for campfire rings as follows: 1011.5.1 Fire Building Surfaces: Fire building surfaces shall be 9 inches minimum above the ground. 1011.5.2 Cooking Surface: Where provided, cooking surfaces shall be 15 inches minimum and 34 inches maximum above the ground. 1011.5.3 Raised Edges or Walls: Where fire rings are constructed with raised edges or walls, the depth of the raised edge or wall shall be 10 inches maximum. 309.4 Operation: Operable parts shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist. The force required to activate operable parts shall be 5 pounds maximum. R.J. Thomas Mfg. builds a variety of wheelchair accessible and ADA compliant campfire rings. We build our campfire rings to withstand the use and abuse of public campgrounds. On most firerings the cooking grate is designed to be indestructible (two people could stand on it without deformation), but this makes it too heavy for 309.4. Our Model FSW-30/18/PA campfire ring scores highest on all points of accessibility. The swivel grate is lighter weight, meets all the requirements of 309.4, but could suffer damage if abused. Our different accessible campfire rings are designed to meet the different requirements of your installations. Cooking Surface 34" Maximum Cooking Surface 15" Minimum Raised Edge or Walls 10" Maximum Fire Building Surface 9" Minimum Final Guidelines for Federal Outdoor Recreation Sites pertaining to campfire rings Model Inside Diameter Side Ht. Wheelchair Accessible Height Heat Shield Available Anchor Systems Swivel Cooking Grate Area (Sq. In.) FSW/SL-30/7/TB 30" 7-3/8" No No TB (Standard), AL, TA (Optional), TB-BD (Optional). See Page 125 300 FSW/SL-30/9/TB 9" No FSW/SL-30/11/TB 11-3/8" Yes FSW/SL-30/18/PA 16-7/8" Yes Yes PA (Standard) AL (Optional) See Page 125 FSW/SL-30/24/PA 23-3/8" Yes FSWDW/SL-30/18/TB (double-wall) 26-3/8" 17-3/8" No TB only • Our Swivel Grate firering design is tested to withstand snow loads of over 569 lbs. per sq. ft. on the grate. The swivel grate is laser cut from 1/4inch thick steel plate. A special 10 ga. channel brace is welded inside the ring to reinforce the swivel tube. • This Swivel Grate design meets the ADA guidelines for one hand operation and requires less than 5 lbs. of force to move. The 300 sq. in. single level grate will move 180 degrees – from over the fire to completely out of the fire ring – for easy fire building and serving. The handle is never over the fire. • The snow load rated Swivel Grate is available on several standard and wheelchair accessible height campfire rings. See chart below. •The 5/8-inch dia. operator handle is welded on and includes a 1/8" x 1/2" flat bar coiled grip. •All fire ring components are finished with a high temp non toxic black enamel paint. • Optional: Model S5 bolt on utility shelf is available on most campfire rings. See Page 124. • Optional: Heat Shields available on some taller firerings. See Page 124. Model FSW/SL-30/9/PA Campfire Ring, 30" ID x 9" tall (nom.) with 300 sq. in. snow load rated swivel cooking grate. Model FSW/SL-30/18/PA Campfire Ring, 18" tall (nom.) with snow load rated swivel cooking grate. Detail of Model FSW/SL-30 snow-loaded swivel grate and channel brace. SNOW LOAD RATED FIRERING - FSW/SL Series