Pilot Rock Catalog

PICNIC TABLES 51 c on tac t@bj s par k . com · F A X : 281-356-1802 Moving Picnic Tables & Park Benches If you move or relocate any picnic tables or park benches, look for any frame components that may get damaged during this handling. If diagonal braces that support the frame structure get damaged, they should be replaced to keep the structure sound. Be sure to check all fasteners. They can work loose over time, especially if the tables or benches are moved often. Rust A galvanized finish is more durable and resistant to scratching and exposure over time than a painted finish. The best galvanized finish is called hot dip galvanized after fabrication. This finish will require almost no maintenance under normal use. Frame components made of pre-galvanized steel, are usually lightweight and perform quite well in many applications. However, any areas that have been cut or drilled will expose the underlying steel and may develop rust over time. Be most concerned about any points on pre-galvanized steel that have been welded. The welding heat can burn off the pre-galvanized finish exposing the steel. These weld points must be cold galvanized, which could be equated to a sprayed on painted finish. Painted frame finishes are popular because many color options are available. Most manufacturers now use a dry powder coat paint application process vs. liquid paint. In most common installations, this finish will serve well for many years. However, if the paint is chipped or scratched, the exposed metal can begin to rust. These areas must be sanded and repainted before the rust expands too far. You should expect to do more touch up maintenance on painted steel components for park furniture used by the public. Picnic Table & Park Bench Top/Seat Materials Lumber Wood top and seat planks will require the most attention to compensate for outdoor exposure. Different species of wood will react differently to the constant variations in sunlight, temperatures, moisture and insects. Warping and weather checking are typically the result. Pressure treated wood can successfully fight off these abusive elements longer than untreated woods. Most lumber should be regularly water sealed or painted to protect it from UV rays and moisture. We recommend lumber be inspected and protected annually for best results. Refer to the instructions on the brand of sealant or paint that you decide to use. All lumber is graded and grading stamps on the lumber are common and unavoidable. If these grading stamps are objectionable, you can remove them by sanding the lumber. The stamps will also likely fade over time from weather exposure. Recycled Plastic The 100% recycled plastics are impervious to the weather elements and insects. They include a UV stabilizer for UV protection. They are resistant to mold and chemicals, and will not splinter or rot. Recycled plastic is a great material for many locations. Cleaning is the most common maintenance need. The solution is as simple as washing off any accumulated grime with a mild detergent. Aluminum Aluminum components do not suffer from exposure to sunlight, insects, moisture or temperature. Rusting and rotting are not issues here. One maintenance concern could be caused by the lightweight nature of these products. For example, aluminum picnic tables are easier to move around. So periodically check all the fasteners to be sure that the product structure is tight and secure for public use. Aluminum components can easily be kept clean with water and a mild detergent. Thermoplastic Coated Steel As long as the thermoplastic coating is not damaged and remains intact, these components can easily be cleaned with water and a mild detergent. The coating includes a UV stabilizer so the effects of constant sun exposure will be reduced and delayed. However, the thermoplastic coating can be damaged by high heat or vandalism. Charcoal or gas grills and hot cooking pans should not be placed directly on top of the thermoplastic coating. The heat can deform the coating. Our heat shield (see page 49) can help protect your table from these heat sources. Vandals can deface the coating. If the steel core is exposed, it will be subject to rusting. Most manufacturers of plastic coated steel components can supply repair kits for small damaged areas. The patched area will not exactly match the original coating, but the steel core will be covered and protected. MAINTENANCE TIPS FOR PICNIC TABLES & BENCHES