The Versatility of Benches


The Advertisement Bench

The advertisement bench is a fun idea that can potentially make you money by advertising your product or service to all those who see the bench. It is a great idea and cheaper than investing in a billboard or street sign. Plus it serves a duel purpose in that it gives your potential customers a place to rest when they’re weary.


The Buddy Bench

The buddy bench has been around for a long time and is very popular with grade school children. However, buddy benches have been popping up in other locations and people have been welcoming them into their communities with appreciation. I’m not sure what all we can say about buddy benches but I know they are important to schools so I though they should be mentioned here in the specialty bench article.


The Memorial Bench

We honor our loved ones by placing a memorial bench, with their name on it, for all those who pass by to see and use. It’s a great way to remember those who have come before us and it is a very popular thing for schools to do for past teachers and faculty. Memorial benches are for honoring and remembering.


The Personalized Bench

Personalized benches can be anything from the name of your city to the name of your dog. A lot of schools like to put their school name or their mascot on their benches. City’s like to put the name of the city of the name of the park where the bench is going to be located. You can also use them as a dedication bench or sponsor bench and put the person or business’ name on them that supported your cause or project.

Benches…“A Social Gathering Place”